Well its more of a hill really... a hill that was supposed to pop up and down at will but, as usual, the fate of the universe has filed against me once again.
Welp, summer's over and for me that means one thing: University.
Pictured: My current brain state
So as well packing, finance, accommodation sorting and curling up in the corner, sucking my thumb as I rock back and forward, my summer project was to make a space within a matchbox. Procrastination has led me to throw together a hill. Connig hill to be precise which I spent two hours hiking up when we took a wrong turn and which actually looks nothing like what I put in this matchbox space. However when your putting an entire mountain (by about eighty feet) into a matchbox I find you need to have some artistic license.
For this I used:
- A matchbox
- A sponge
- Moss and other various bits of plant
- Cuscus
- matchsticks
- PVA glue
Then using scissors and measuring to the matchbox I cut it to the vague shape I wanted:
Using PVA I began gluing moss to the sponge:
And also darker bits to act like heather until it finally looked like an ungodly mess:
....Well it certainly looks like a moldy moss covered pebble...
Luckily when I start creating the path using cuscus it started to actually resemble something:
So then I stuck it in the matchbox and then cut some matchsticks into smaller pieces, sticking more moss to them to create 'pine trees.' And there you have a mini mountain in a matchbox.
Now there's a mountain I'm willing to climb
Of course it always helps if you start thinking of and creating it before you have less than a week before you go to uni...
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