Friday 14 June 2013

What's with all the Oxymoron-ish titles?

I'm a maker. I like to make things. Things that sometimes have absolutely no purpose, like a metal rabbit head which your art teacher repeatedly asks about and for the reason you wasted valuable copper wire to make it:

"Well I felt like making a sculpture and that sculpture happened to be a rabbit.... head."

"But what's the purpose!?"

"....Being a rabbit head?... made out of metal?.... Looks... interesting? Maybe?... A little?"

And that's about as deep as my philosophical art meanings go most days. I vowed to have a little more purpose and the art teachers seemed a little more impressed (if not confused). So here on this blog are some projects of sometimes useful and sometimes useless things I've made, that maybe you could make, which don't really solve any problems, that sometimes look nice and sometimes make a good costume, but which mainly are truly uninventive even if they are unique.

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