Tuesday 16 July 2013

Da Vinci Flying Machine

This will probably look a heck of a lot like an older project I posted here, most likely because it's from the same project. In fact it's older than that project. In fact it's the prototype of method for that project. I reckoned mini flying machines (minus the flapping) would float more people's boats than a mask, so here's the model inspired by the ideas of Renaissance Batma- I mean Da Vinci.

For this I used:
  • Willow sticks (not too thin and not too thick)
  • String
  • Cotton for sewing
  • Canvas cloth/white cloth
  • Small ring shape stuff (something sturdy you can bend into small rings)
  • A whole lot of water
  • (Optional) nails, hammer and a plank of wood 
    Now I could have made intricate and precise designs for a perfect model, but because I'm lazy I looked to the man himself:

 Bruce Wayne's...

 ...got nothing...

 ...on Da Vinci

And the wonders of Google images for a quick pic to work with:

To the Vinci cave! Nananananananana...

I began to make the base using willow sticks, string and clove hitch knots using this shape/measurement:

Side front

The final thing was a little front heavy, so you might want to try and make the tail a little bigger/wider if you're going to make this. For the wings I took two 35cm willow sticks and warped them by leaving them submerged in water and then carefully bending them on a simple frame I made using nails in a wooden block:

......deja vu?

I did the same with the other parts to make it look a bit like this:

minus canvas cloth

Cut some canvas cloth out to shape to the wing (PVA glue the edges to stop any fraying) and sew it on. It should be sort of clear where the wings rest, but just in case, the wing ends rest just about here on either side of the front:


Tie them in place, cut out some more canvas cloth to sew onto the tail and you're ready to fight crime in your Renaissance Batman mask with your Renaissance Batman glider... 

 It's micro sized for storage...
 ...and for actual flight

...Well your hamster is at any rate.

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